
Let’s Help the Government Go Remote

Aerial view of remote dwelling in wilderness

We’re all aware the pandemic has changed the way we work probably forever. Remote and hybrid work environments are now the norm. And while most of us in the tech world were able to transition quickly or were already accustomed to virtual work, the federal government had to make those adjustments fast – but it could still use some help.

Going remote is more than just having the right tech in place. It’s cultural, requires flexibility, trust from the top down, and so on. Specifically for defense agencies, IT leaders are also thinking about security, data management, accessibility from the field… the list goes on and on. But I believe if GovTech companies can do it, so can the government.

So, what can remote companies do to teach the public agencies how to thrive in a remote environment, and close the transformation gap between vendors and government? I’ve got 6 ideas below:

  • Share your tech: Meet with your defense customers and network and talk. Tell them about the tools you use, the network security protocols you have in place, the agile development cycles that have helped you get there, etc. And be specific, because many of the software and cloud services we use in the industry are available and vetted for the government.
  • Share your process: Tell defense agencies how you did it. Outline your process for going and remaining remote. Open their minds to testing environments and pilot programs where they can discover what works and doesn’t work for them. Going virtual looks different for every organization, and they need to know it’s customizable for the public agencies.
  • Share your culture: Even though the government has been transforming digitally for years, culture can be a major roadblock, and in some circumstances still is. Managers stuck in their ways may have trouble letting the traditional work environment go. Share with defense leaders your organization’s culture and how people – the root of software development – are involved.
  • Share your results: Tell them about how productivity has increased. Show defense agencies actual metrics and numbers that prove going remote can be beneficial for mission needs. Show them it is “business as usual,” regardless of where certain people are logging in from. And show them it is more than possible to manage, engage and collaborate with colleagues virtually.
  • Share the possibilities: Help defense IT leaders understand the art of the possible with remote work. Mobile readiness, for instance, is transforming warfighters’ abilities on the field. The tools they adopt for remote work can catapult them into the future and help the public agencies remain on the cutting edge of tech to surpass adversaries.
  • Share your organization: Partner, partner, partner. Partner with the agencies. Let them use your experts, your technologies, your ideas, and your processes. Share the wealth of knowledge that ultimately benefits us as citizens